Monday 29th September 2008
I’m still working while most people working with the government already on their leave x__x (I’m working with private sector anyway). I came to office like usual but today the time seemed somewhat very slow moving. Yeah, I can’t wait to get back home and starts the journey. Since I can’t take it anymore, I asked the boss to leave 1 hour early than usual, and he gave lol
I went back to home and quickly preparing as most my siblings and mum already prepared. By 6 o’clock, we zoomed out from the house while brought several foods along the journey during break fast. As expected, the road was not packed with traffic as people are going to catch the break fast time. Us? We ate inside the car without stopping lol, easier since the road damn clear at that time =p
After 4 hours of journey, we finally reached my mum’s hometown at Parit Buntar, Perak =D It was my first time here since they just finished renovating the house. It was quite bigger than before o.o Nothing much to do as it was already night, so lets call it a day x)
Packing the car boot
Coffee break at Simpang Pulai's Petronas =D
Finally there =)
Tuesday 30th September 2008
The last day of fasting, too tired to do anything, so spent the whole day sleeping and get wasted lol At night right after break fasting, we had a small prayer and started to recite the prayer for Eid. After that, EAT xD My cousins and I went to eat 4KG of clam lol I’m really going to get sick thanks to the crazy feast >.> In the end, I can’t sleep at night plus my cousins want to watch movie You Don’t Mess with Zohan on my laptop.
Eating together in the house during break fasting
Wednesday 1st October 2008
End up watching the movie till 4am >.> I decided not to sleep for the day. By 7am when I decided to iron my traditional clothes for the Eid prayer, I fell asleep while waiting >.> So I end up not going to the prayer lol x.x My mum was angry at me because I didn’t go, but…… was it my fault? <.<
Anyway, the day continues like usual. As for the rest of the day, just kept on eating >.> Plus, my stomach still upset due to the 4KG Clam-eating-madness x_x and some more it was my treat x___x
Thursday 2nd October 2008
Things are getting heated up. My grandparents are going to held a memorial ceremony for both their deceased parents (in Malay, “Kenduri Arwah”) so things are getting busy. I spent the evening with my brother washing 30 chickens >.> Later, we fried them for a while as we will cook the chicken with another seasoning. My uncle managed to bought 3 pieces of cow’s legs <.< As my job for the evening finished, I managed to escaped myself and went to Penang island for some stroll =p
I decided to go to the island via ferry. Later when arrived, I took a stroll until Gurney Drive until I saw a signboard mentioning Balik Pulau. Without a second thought, I went straight to Balik Pulau based on the signboard as I never been there before for a first time touge session =p The details of the touge attack will be in the next blog entry =)
After finished attacking Balik Pulau, I called Jimmy from the to have a sudden gathering session for Penang’s Proton Saga BLM members xD We decided to meet at the McDonalds at the Gurney Drive. So I had to drive to Georgetown and towards Gurney Drive. Basically that night I was driving round the Penang island lol =p 3 members showed up for the gathering (jimmy, kyrix, and danny). It was a fun meeting as we discussed about our car’s development and modifications =p Well, as for me, it is fun to meet other members outside Kuala Lumpur =)
My mum already called, so I had to went back >.> Finally I arrived home somewhere around 4am and went to sleep.
Frying the chickens
The cow's legs
Cut, cut, don't slack off =p
Cutting onions while crying session =p
Waiting for the ferry
Watching a ferry passed by while on board
The first one to arrive at the meeting place =p
Jimmy car on the left and my car on the right
From right, Kyrix's car, Danny's car, Jimmy's car, my car
Friday 3rd October 2008
It was the busiest day of all. We had to prepare all the stuff for the ceremony. Right after the Friday prayer, guests are coming one by one. As for me, I decided to handle the job to wash drink glasses lol, simple job =p
The feast was over somewhere around 7pm as we all packed and cleaned everything. Whew, not so bad after all =) Anyway, now it is time to start packing up personal belongings as we will leave to our home tomorrow =)
Oh ya, two of my cousins are doing part time job to wash cars for family member only for cheap price (and cheap wash quality =p ) i just chipped in also to help them xD
Reciting for the deceased
Let the feast begins =D
Car wash anyone? =p
Saturday 4th October 2008
Early in the morning, we had a special event for all, photo session for the whole family. It was my uncle idea as he wants to post the entire family photos onto the wall. We took the entire families photo, then followed by each family photos. As for my family, we are missing our dad as he didn’t join us together went back to my mum’s hometown lol
After the photo session, it is Angpow a.k.a money-giving time =p But… since I’m already working (only 3 weeks at that time >.>), I ain’t getting any money T_____T But instead I have to give out money to the young ones, based on our custom. But due to I was only started working, so I managed to excuse myself from contributing for this year =p But next year definitely have to pay x_x Oh well, my turn sooner or later =)
Anyway, things packed up and loaded into the car. By 6pm, it is time to bid farewell to all and started our journey back home. The road was quite busy and there were a few traffic crawls as many people starts getting back to their home after the long holiday. We reached home around 1am, thanks to the bad traffic >.> Anyhow, time for bed as tomorrow is a special day =D
*note: there is no entire family picture as no one was available to take the picture >.>*
Where this guy came from? >.>
My mum's grandparents
My mum with her entire siblings along with the parents
My "Long" family
My "Lang" family
My "Ngah" family
My "Andak" family
My "Cik" family
My family with Dad MIA >.>
My "Teh" family
My "Usu" family
The grandchildren =)
Time to ask forgiveness and collect money =D Not for me though >.>
The oldest that taking the money as he is still in university (but i'm the oldest grandchildren for boys). Face censored due to shyness =p
Ceh, I'm not jealous with the money <.<
The madness at Padang Rengas Petronas station as the Shell station was closed due to no fuel o.o
Sunday 5th October 2008
… It seems that none of my family member remembers today is my birthday >.> Oh well, no hard feelings as this is common in my family anyway as we seldom celebrate birthdays =p Since my mum was complaining a lot about her old-school Nokia 3310 dying out on her during any calls. I guess it was either due to broken phone or the battery is dying. So I decided to bought a new cheap phone for her to use and hopefully durable like the well-known Nokia 3310’s extreme durability <.<
Well, my first salary after all, so I can’t buy expensive cell phone =p In the end, I decided to buy the Nokia 1208 for her. It is small compared to Nokia 3310, but as long as it is new plus color screen some more, she should having a quality calls after this, but for sure she will have a hard time at first to familiarize with the phone =p People got presents during birthday, but I’m giving out present instead on my birthday lol Oh well, it is for mum =)
Finally night time and tomorrow it is time to go back to the office ~_~
The Nokia 1208
Monday 6th October 2008
In the office again, darn… >.>
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