A furious Civic on the loose
Pit Stop =D
The last word basically sums up all the excitement we had during the open track day at the Sepang F1 Circuit that was held on 18th January 2009. It was a new level of experience (the Final Fantasy’s fanfare should be the background music here =p ) for both Keisuke and me in term of the art of suicidal racing (because that what we always do xD )
350z a.k.a Fairlady
The younger brother, FD3S
The day started when Keisuke called and invited me for the track day. Oh well, I got nothing to do (but actually I need to clean my room though >.>), so might as well tag along =) As we went along, finally we arrived at the entrance. To our surprise, the entrance fee is not like what our mechanic said, RM100 for a car and RM10 for each driver, but it was a staggering RM200 per driver >.< So rich man of the day, Keisuke paid for his hell-ride ticket =p
Altezza belongs to Hau's friend
Imprezza yummy!
Nevertheless, the atmosphere is not really welcoming us. The super hot weather, plus seeing a lot of highly tuned and pimped cars all around us really smashing our motivation piece by piece as the FC3S is just a PIECE OF JUNK compared to others xDDD Anyway, it was first time we are there, so better make the RM200 spent worth >.>
S2000 and Civic Type-R
The first mission, find our mechanic, Hau, failed as he seemed didn’t picking up the phone. Second mission, find a pit garage area so we can put the FC3S, but all garage occupied by other teams >.< Third mission, don’t care anymore, we want to get into the track, but WHERE THE HECK IS THE WAY TO THE PIT LANE? x_x We took the car wandering around until Keisuke thought that at the end of the pit area, there should be a road that we can enter the pit lane. Thank God, his animal instinct sometimes can be useful too =p
Waiting for the green light again
Bimmer also don't want to miss the fun
So the moment of truth, we slowly drive through the pit lane to the exit. Everyone was like looking at us with face expression “WHAT THE FUGLY CAR IS THAT?” xD (due to FC3S is currently having quite plenty of color theme =p ). But upon reaching the end, it turned out that the lights are RED, meaning that there has been an accident and they are cleaning the track right now. No choice but have to wait under the scorching sun while the FC3S’s oil temperature slowly increasing to 100 degree Celsius x_x
Seriously, too many Imprezza
The Godzilla by Nissan
The V-tec won't lose either
Finally, the moment of we have been waiting for, the GREEN LIGHT xD So off we go carve a new history in the circuit =p As a total Uber Noob with the track, we decided to drove slowly in order to learn about the track. But it turned out was a completely bad idea as people overtook us like no tomorrow >.< To add more salt to the wound, everyone were damn fast except us which leads to us having mental breakdown and inferiority complex and want to go back home immediately! xD Plus, thanks to Keisuke was driving not in the normal racing line, we took every corner horribly and received the full treatment of the side-G xD
The yummy arse lol
The Godzilla ain't stop multiplying
Anyway, after a few rounds, we managed to get used to the Sepang track. Finally, we can smoked a few cars and proud of the tiny puny achievement we made xD But still, we simply can’t beat the Imprezza and cars with higher REV limit during the straight line =.= Lastly, the mother of all disaster, the Godzilla, the new Nissan Skyline GTR (a.k.a R35) was simply the GOD of the track day, being unbeatable in every aspect, while taking corners while other cars just standing still =.=
Lets zoom into that sexy arse baby, hahahaha
The 'senior' won't give up without a fight
R34 M-Spec Nur
Well anyway, we continued to enjoy our fun ride in the track. Everyone there came there prepared (spare tyre, mechanics, car jacks, and etc…) compared to us who came only bring the car, wallet, and our gut xD Seriously, next time, we at least need to bring some water!!! Because in the end, both of us were dehydrated x__x
Simply untouchable, overtook everyone like nobody business and smoked them hard *respect*
Nevertheless, it was a fun experience doing it on the real track as the track is much wider than normal road during touge session, meaning more room to correct mistakes. Even Keisuke took the chance to getting used on how the FC3S behave during power-over drift. Oh yeah, basically we are drifting all over the track due to improper car setting. Oh hell, like we care =p Thanks to that, every car got scared to overtake us during cornering because anytime we can go haywire xD
Lastly, for those out there, make sure to take this advice, make sure you use the racing line properly, or…
You will suffer the excessive dosage of G in each corner like me in the first round xD
*Video Snapshot*
I envy you guys~~
Just as I played Need For Speed Undecover.
EVO IXMR for me.
The new Skyline looks like an alien.... O_O
lol... when u get older, i'm pretty sure you able to enjoy the things u like to do =)
Where got alien... it is a GOJIRA xD
Well, at least I hope that time I can buy my IXMR.
You know, in Undercover the cops uses GOJIRA? I think on LV 4 cops.
Imagine Malaysian cops uses such cars.
Oh yeah, is there an BMW cars in that event?
lol.. hopefully
Hmm... havent played undercover yet. Need to buy the cd xD
Errmmmm... for PDRM, they just bought a few new Mitsubishi Lancer GT (or was it Evo X) and Volvo S80 for their patrol unit. So expect the police force to be Too Fast Too Furious =p
Yea, there was plenty, including an old M3 was blocking our way during the track day (can be seen in the crappy video) :-@
lol, your blog always excites me on getting my own car XD
anyway, this is raida~
Old M3, E46?
How about... Lexus IS-F?
I wonder for what they buy such cars, I mean, even Wira can catch Mat Rempit. We don't have many incident where we need to use high performance car.
@azura: hehe i'm always inspiring people =p eh, u changed your name? o.O
@shiro: should be an old m3. Lexus also got, but only sitting at the back of the garage, didnt see it on the track >.>
well, i dunno la. got too much money i think >.>
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